Monday, September 5, 2011

Natural Disasters : My First Week of Work

I started at APT on August 22nd. On August 23rd, there was at 5.8 magnitude earthquake while we were in training on the 11th floor.

I've lived in Seattle area for six years, and never felt an earthquake. Now that I move away from the Ring of Fire... there's an earthquake? Really? I didn't believe it at first (but it quickly shook me out of that disbelief.)

Two minutes after it stopped, we were back doing the training. Sigh.

However, my exciting first week experiences weren't over. Hurricane Irene was headed up the coast, and we were in the way. And the best way to ride out a hurricane? With friends. (We were thinking of pulling out flashlights in case the power went out, but never got around to it.)

D.C. is inland enough that there was just some rain and heavy winds, with very little damage. So it was another natural occurrence, thankfully with no "disaster" involved. Just a little spice for my first weekend in Arlington.