Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Roughing It: What Happens Outside of Pittsburgh

I'm going to do something along the lines of combining two posts into one, since I didn't blog my adventure last week.

Well, on Tuesday, I traveled out to the mysterious boondocks of West Newton with some friends. Some friends who happen to be gun enthusiasts. (Did I ever tell you about that time that Khaled and I had a great long conversation about how dangerous America was because we had all these guns and Qatar doesn't?)

Anyway, we spent a good hour or so shooting guns. I got to shoot two different rifles, and like half a dozen pistols. Including one that belched fire!

Well, that weekend (this last weekend), I joined those guys and about ten other people headed to the Finger Lakes for some camping and wine tasting.

Yeah, a bit of a juxtaposition, waking up outside, not showering, then trying to be all high class and drinking wine and such... but it was awesome.

We had a fire, and greasy bacon, and delicious breakfasts, and a little hike to the lake. A friend of a friend is from somewhere with really cold water, so when he tested the lake, he decided to take off some clothes and hop in...

Well, the water was really warm!

But now I'm back to being a "city" girl again. Which means eating at cute little health food joints and walking to the library.

Speaking of books and libraries, I can't help but give a shout-out to the latest book I just finished. It was "The Ghost Map", by Steven Johnson, and was a fascinating look at the way that cholera spread in London in the 1850s. But, more than that, it was a full look into the effects of urbanization. For example, urban centers have a much lower birthrate than rural areas. And a lot of people are moving to urban centers. (He was describing how eco-friendly they were, compared to how many people are there.) But his thought was that in 2050, when there is an estimate of 80% of the population living in urban areas and the population being at 8 billion... that is when our population will start to go down. Fascinating.

Did I mention that he also predicted H1N1? Yeah, check out the book.

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