Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Georgia Peaches : Family Vacation

The time has been filled with a bunch of events since my mom, sister, and I got back from Europe. The day after we got back (to the East Coast, mind you), we drove down to North Carolina for a cousin's wedding, where we met up with Dad and Deanne who drove up after flying into Atlanta. The next day (Saturday) was the wedding.

It was at a beautiful plantation house an hour from our hotel. The service lasted only ten minutes or so, but the rest of the evening was a fun get-together with family. A lot of this family I'm going to be much closer to now, so it was fun to reconnect and realize that I could see them more often. 

The wedding was on a hot (though not quite oppressively so) evening, so we dipped our feet in the pool before dancing. The photographer when in up to his chest to get the picture he wanted, so he was already wet when he waded into the knee-deep fountain nearby. Soon, four of us cousins were splashing around in there too. 

The next day, we set off for Georgia. Val and I got dropped off at the condo. Deanne got taken to the airport. We made tacos. 

The following days have been making our own excitement in a condo in rural Georgia. We bought a peck of peaches (yum). We have a puzzle out. We went to the Bavarian Village of Helen. We climbed up and down Tullulah Gorge. We made dinner. It's the right kind of vacation. 

And today's adventure to the gorge was pretty awesome. We didn't know that there was a sliding rock waterfall at the end of the trail, but when we got there, we jumped in despite our lack of swimsuits. It was super slippery (guess that's why they call it a sliding rock) so Dad and I have little scrapes and awesome memories. 

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