Monday, November 24, 2014

Railay Beach - Monday, Nov. 24, 2014

This is what vacations are made of. 

We got right into our swimsuits (that's 6 out of the last 7 days that swimsuits have dominated the fashion choices), and, after grabbing breakfast on the patio, bought a pair of longboat tickets to Railay Beach. 

We set up a spot in the sand, then swam, tanned, read/napped, and repeated for five hours.

I forgot. I also bought us a pair of fruit shakes. Banana for me (it is habit-forming), lemon coconut for Alisa. 

At about three, we decided that lunch was in order. The one rain shower of the day perfectly timed itself so we were dry and eating pad Thai and baked rice while it was turning the humidity up a notch. 

We spent a few minutes wandering the couple market stalls before hopping back in a longboat for the ten minute ride back to Ao Nang.

We then proceeded to stand in the hotel pool and read our books until the second shower came through, and we went upstairs to take our own showers. 

A simple evening of wine from FamilyMart (with Reese's and Timtams), banana Nutella pancakes from our favorite street stall, and a touch of buying and bargaining completed our beach portion of this vacation.

It's an early morning flight to Chiang Mai and back to city life. The vacation within a vacation is always a brilliant move. 

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