For the past week, I've been required to write down my dreams for my Intro to Psych class (you know, the class I'm not attending lectures for right now because my ultimate frisbee class conflicts).
Well, since I have to type them up anyway (and none of them are particularly embarrassing), thought I'd share:
8/26 - I was looking for my nightstand* on a planet that looked like Avatar* where we sometimes needed to wear masks. The girl I though might have the nightstand, her dad owned a moving/furniture company. After I asked her where it might be, there was an image of her dad saying "no" (they didn't have it) and in the background was a garage full of only large pieces of wood furniture. Then my friend told him that yes, they probably had it, and he relented and the background changed to the garage full of large furniture surrounded by other small odds-and-ends, including my nightstand.
Then, I was walking down a hallway that looked like a cross between Baker Hall and my old middle school* and ran into two friends I met last year who are in Heinz. (One, we'll call him "Larry", I had just seen in real life the day before I dreamt this.) Larry went down one staircase, and "Barry" and I went down the other. Barry (who is blonde in real life) had this awful shaggy reddish mohawk and really unhealthy skin. Larry asked, as he walked down the other staircase, if Barry was doing ok, but Barry said he was doing worse. I asked what "worse" was as Barry and I walked down the stairs and he played it off like a joke, saying his life was "getting more gay" since now he was sharing a bed with Larry.*
When we got to the bottom of the steps, both of them left and I was called into a psychology class by a friend. Larry and Barry had been trying to convince me to go into a evolution* class. The class had a project that was due on Oct. or Nov., and someone in the class who was in H&SS asked if she could start looking for a job right now* because it would get crazy for her during that project in Oct./Nov. A smart aleck said that that would be tough for her, getting a job in her major*. The class was about five, racially-diverse people in a yellow-y lit classroom that looked like one of the long skinny classrooms in Baker*. All the chairs were jumbled and a homemade table-desk was in the room.
nightstand - I am trying to remember who I gave a wooden nightstand to to store last year.
Avatar - I watched Avatar the evening before I dreamt this.
middle school - my middle school was an old stone building, so pretty easy to merge the two buildings
friends in Heinz - I ran into one of them the day before I dreamt this.
gay - neither Larry nor Barry are gay in real life
evolution - I have been reading "The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature"
looking for a job - I'm a senior, so clearly on my mind
Baker rooms - I think it is 230-something, on the side of the building close to the Mall.
(I had to write the previous one up for others to read in class. From this point on, I'll be faithfully to my early morning grammar and just give editor's notes.)
8/27 (a)- I was in charge of a dorm with ~5 RAs. One was a redhead and lived by "no regrets." Another also had connections to ABTech, storage, and other clubs. Most people, except for the person on duty, were headed somewhere (party?).
(b) - Cruise ship, following a group around (I was a disembodied third-person for most of this dream). All women wearing thongs on bottom, leered at in bathrooms. Go to a giant performance hall with a pool as the stage. People get ready for "The Slippery Watermelon" but all of the actors decided to screw in up in some way. The 2 singers tart, 1 guy 1 woman in a gorgeous dress. The first people are just on stage, then a diver jumps in a one of the singers pulls out a wiggly watermelon patterned straw and phallically (that's right, I wrote phallically within five minutes of waking up) sticks it in front of the camera. Another person dumps a watermelon in that is different from the original one. Eventually, jumper jumps in but disappears. A few other actors screw it up, but then they all come together and trade their coats for chances at getting the watermelon. One had brandname "Whitesides", one had leather (one actor was woman from Myth Busters (Kari Byron; I had just watched a clip about her new show earlier)). Everyone ends up with dif. jackets and there isn't much of a crowd left, but at the same time, the whole ship loved it (the show). The show is going to be re-put on by "JHC", which are three girls' names (Julia?) and also is the Joy House Club, or something. I/someone looks them up on Facebook. The cut is them presenting their idea, with 1 singer, 2 divers.
8/28 - I was at a store like Staples working. We started by trying to print some fliers but we ran out of the right size of paper. (It was too small to get printed on?) We were also using notepad or some rtf (rich text format... again, I'm such a geek for writing these words within minutes of waking up) to print with. The documents had two sign-up forms and a contract on them. The in got busy and lost of people asked for art supplies. Someone asked for a guide ruler for a straight edge cutter. I didn't know where it was, but attempted to check someone out (male, I think) (as in check-out at a store, people... don't get your mind in the gutter), but the register wouldn't log in. I was also very bad at the register, and tried returning the stuff first. He had a bulky item, and an axe (which he told me he was buying) and a bag of foam paint brushes that didn't have price tags. (That's right, my sub-conscious self was more worried about paint brushes that a MAN buying an AXE!)
8/29 - First, a snowstorm locked me and some friends inside a log cabin (I've had this dream a couple times before.) (I remember waking up and thinking after having the dream that I've had this dream before, but I don't remember actually having it before. I remember while I was dreaming I knew I was dreaming that this specific dream had ended differently before, thus, I must have dreamt it before.) Then, it switched so the humans and some other mystical creatures were fighting against another group. I went out (well, first there was a ball with a gorgeous dress, but I couldn't find my contacts) with a group of humans to fight these humanoids (ogre-like)? We ran into two groups (one by a bridge) and fended them off with teamwork and axes. (Again with the axes! Also, I remember when writing this that I thought it was a very good line for a book.) Then we prepared for the large group with the leader. He came and we defeated him! Then there was an epic journey.
8/30 - I was taken to a "classroom" during school (actually improv practice in the evening) and we were basically locked up and led through rooms. It was a nightmare. (My first nightmare in my dream journal!) They allowed us to scrounge for clothing. (We were wearing clothing too, but I guess this was extra to pack along?) We got a "muzzle" ball put into our bags. (Maybe for shoving into mouths?) The facility was by Seattle Center. We were led outside and while crossing the street I managed to sneak behind a door/building and go to a highrise. Once there, I was getting repeated calls from a number as well as Jynn Jin. I called 911 on the old couples phone but my mom answered sobbing. I told her the facility was at (Highway) 101 and Devonshire. Then I realized I had called 911, not my mom and the line went dead. (To flesh out the previous part where I said "the old couple", this is how I found them:) I had been walking on the highrises balcony to find someone. The woman said "Are you a prankster or a ____?" (Something I couldn't remember.) They were very old. (Also, recalling other details:) In the facility, we had to watch this tranquil clip of Lindsy (misspelled, I know) Lohan by the ocean. The old couples condos had candles.
8/31 - I was a head RA and had to balance schedules. (Short and sweet... I pressed snooze a couple too many times, so didn't remember parts of my disjointed dreams, except for that)
Well, I hope you enjoyed that little dive into my subconscious. Feel free to interpret any and all dreams as you see fit.