Friday, February 24, 2012

Friends : Feb. 23

Of course, because we had a 5:30am wake-up call the next day, we decided to stay out until 1am.

We have met a lot of people on this trip, and because the tourist track isn't so packed, we've seen quite a few of them over and over.

During Carnival, it was a friend of a friend from CMU that we arranged to meet. Then it was her friends. We also met some New Yorkers when we were waiting for our costumes, so ran into them during Carnival again and again. We met another couple in line and saw them again. Those were out Trinidad friends.

When we were on the ferry to Tobago, a guy recognized us from a conversation he tried to have with us during Carnival Tuesday. We had snubbed him then (mostly because he was just mouthing words at us). Turns out, he's a tour operator and hooked us up with our speed boat tour yesterday.

When we left our hostel on Wednesday to get food, we met two girls from the States. When we hung out at the beach with them later, we met two Bostonians. While at the beach, the bartender was super nice, and lots of numbers were exchanged.

So then, Thursday night, it was a big reunion. We went out with the PLU girls. We saw the New Yorkers from the speedboat. We met up with the Bostonians. The bartender got us some drinks. And we were out until 1am.

It's looking like tonight is going to be something similar.

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