Saturday, February 25, 2012

Machel Montano : Feb. 25

It was another scatteredly rainy morning. The first shower drove us into a roti place, where we had the delicious naan-wrapped curry. The second shower caught us out in the open on the trek to the beach, so we were soaked by the time we arrived.

But I couldn't stay unhappy (or wet) for long. The sun came out, we sat in the sand, we played in the waves, we had fruity blended cocktails, and we read.

The far end of Pigeon Point was boarded off for the concert at which we were going to finish our final day in Tobago. Through our interesting group of friends, we had all planned to go.

It was a giant beach party. You could bring in a cooler, which meant people were probably drunker and misbehavin' more than an equivalent party in the States. But that's pretty much the motto of Carnival.

Machel Montano was the headliner, and probably the most played artist at Carnival this year. We have a few of this songs memorized. So we were most excited for his performance, which of course happened an hour before we had to leave.

While it was a fascinating concert (I learned was the "6:30" dance move is), there was enough detracting from the fun to make it annoying. We had all our beach stuff that we had to guard. We had the same forward men we've encountered all trip, but now with more alcohol. We had the drunk girls behind us using us as supports for their dance moves. And we had a plane to catch.

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